

Page history last edited by Nicole Pagowsky 14 years, 4 months ago

2010/2011 projects:

TLA 2012 Reference Roundtable slot

Alternative guide to DFW for 2011/2012 conferences

Advocate alternative materials in libraries


Work with books to prisoners groups





List of potential projects:


Poll results:





*Visit poll to select top choices - http://zohopolls.com/ntxradref/projects-for-north-texas-radical-reference-collective

*Open for voting 9/13-9/23


  •  Possible slot at 2012 TLA Reference Roundtable (Erin will be chairing and would try to set this up)
  • Alternative guide to Dallas for ALA Midwinter 2012 (other Radical Reference local collectives have done something similar when library conferences are in their city)
  • Provide/create information resources for neighborhood associations (endangered buildings, examples: Preservation Dallas, Fry St. in Denton)
  • Pathfinder on health care information/where to find health-related information (place/groups to consider looking at: Health Care for All Texans, Dallas Peace Center, Hemphill House, Phoenix Project Collective, KNON/ACORN Radio, Progressive Center - although heavily linked to democratic party, and Phil Johnson Historic Archive & Research Library)
  • Recyling/freecycling information guide
  • Work with books to prisoners group(s) if in existence
  • Table/street reference at events (North by 35 in Denton as an example) -- will create list of community events to consider
  • Keep track of school district book challenges (can maybe work with or look at TLA Intellectual Freedom Office’s info)
  • Skillshares with other organizations or within own group for our group development or can provide skillshares to community (there is a conference in Addison in August called Open Camp, teaching use of open source software)
  • Alternative materials in libraries (advocate)
  • Oral histories (advocate for validity in research and archives)
  • Create list of libraries allowing public use, create list of federal depository libraries in area, inform about public library databases for home access
  • Some talk about working with religious groups or compiling a list of progressive places of worship was discussed by a few individuals, but a couple others expressed concern with the group having any connection to organized religion

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